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javascript 夜阑小雨 797℃ 0评论

原帖地址 http://www.charlestang.cn/how-to-write-a-wp-plugin-contents.htm

  1. How to Write a WordPress Plugin – Introduction
  2. 介绍
  3. Seven Reasons to Write a WordPress Plugin
  4. 编写插件的七个理由
  5. How to Get Ideas for WordPress Plugins
  6. 怎样获得WordPress插件的创意
  7. Structure of a WordPress Plugin
  8. WordPress插件的结构
  9. WordPress Plugin Actions
  10. WordPress 插件Actions
  11. WordPress Plugin Filters
  12. WordPress插件Filter
  13. Constructing a WordPress Plugin Admin Panel
  14. 构造一个WordPress插件管理员面板
  15. Constructing a WordPress Plugin User’s Panel
  16. 构建一个WordPress插件用户面板
  17. WordPress Plugins and Database Interaction
  18. WordPress插件和数据库交互
  19. Using JavaScript and CSS with your WordPress Plugin
  20. 在你的WordPress插件中使用Javascript和CSS
  21. Using AJAX with your WordPress Plugin
  22. 在你的WP插件中使用AJAX
  23. Releasing and Promoting Your WordPress Plugin
  24. 发布并推广你的WordPress插件

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