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网站优化的基本步骤(SEO strategy)

javascript 夜阑小雨 1020℃ 0评论

First, website develop (第一步,网站开发)

1. select keyword: (选择关键词)

Base on website position and website content ,choose 3-5 keywords that our potential customer often search, and website content will around keyword to write.

2. select website develop program and development language(选择网站应用程序和开发语言)

don’t use too much flash /JavaScript/picture navigation etc.

use static page as far as possible.

Use CSS + div to make page style, be good for search engine .

3.select internet space (选择网站空间)

4.domain, path and file name (选择域名,文件名,路径)

domain had better include keyword.

Path had better include keyword; path name must be English spell and Chinese phoneticize.

File name also be English spell and Chinese phoneticize.

Second, website internal optimize (第二步,网站内部优化)

1. use tag to highlight website content (用标签凸显网站内容)

o optimize page title ,include 1-3 keywords

o make every page different mate label, include title , description and keyword .

o use header to highlight keywords(rank:H1>H2>H3)

o use <b>、<i> to suitable make up keywords

2。optimize URL (优化URL

oshort URL (less 3 level )

odomain include keywords

oURL include keywords

o“-” to separate keyword in the URL

3.Link and picture alt (链接和图片说明)

4.optimize content (优化内容)

o every page use keyword

o original content

o high quality content

5.adapt search engine (适应搜索引擎)

o create website map

o less to link for other website as far as possible

o page size less than 100 k

6.optimize website internal link, every page each other link(优化网站内部链接,让每个页面相互链接)

7.make link explain page (做链接显示页面)

o make friendly links page.

o If make pic link , add pic to page

8.ensure complete website (确保网站的完整性)

9.add robot.txt to website root (添加robot.txt文件到网站根目录)

Third website external optimize (第三步,网站外部链接优化)

1.submit web to search engine, for example :GoogleYahooLiveAsk etc.(提交网站到各大主要搜索引擎)

2.make xml website map ,and submit to search engine (制作 xml网站地图,并提交到索引目录)

3.submit website to free directoryfor example DMOZJoeAnt ect. (提交网站到免费目录)

4.submit website to relate industry directory(提交网站到相关的行业网站)

5.add external links(keyword link) (添加关键词外部链接)

o in the forum add link to sign

o leave massage in the relate blog

6.submit website to paid directory (提交网站到付费目录)

7. use original content and high quality to content continue update website,(用原创内容和高质量的内容不断更新网站)

Fourth, website flow analyze (第四步,网站流量分析)

1.Add flow monitor program.(添加流量监控程序到网站)

2. register website management center account (注册网站管理中心帐号并时时监控网站)

3.analyze flow data and improve website (分析网站流量数据并改进网站)

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